1 year ago today we welcome Lyle David into our family. This kid is crazy. Crazy fun. Seriously. He's a fun guy! A huge part of that fun has been watching Téah and Micah interact with Lyle. They love their brother and it gives me such joy to watch my kids play together. I don't know if there is a way to feel more joy than for parents to just sit back and watch their children and thank God for the blessing they are to us. Ok, maybe playing WITH them is even better!
Dear Lyle,
On your first birthday I want you to know how much you are loved. Even if you are the third child and admittedly there are less pictures of you than there were of your brother and sister in their first year you are loved no less. You truly are the baby of our family. We all baby you and adore you. Lyle, you are for sure, your Momma's baby. Just ask your Dad! I can't wait to see what the next year brings and who you become over years to come. For now though, I would love to hold you as my baby and love you for being a big one year old.
We love you, Lylie!