You may have seen that
John has made a decision to do a Lenten Fast this year. He is trying to fast from all things that go into a landfill. Now. I am all about this decision. In theory, at least. I will fully admit there are some things that I am not sure I'm willing to give up that cannot be recycled, burned, composted... you get the idea. And while I could say that is "John's fast" the truth is we live together. (yes, it's true!) So his fast, is my fast, at least in theory. I have not committed on the same level as John has to this, but I am trying and will keep trying to do my part.
I have never fasted from anything during Lent. Truth be told I had never even heard of Lent until moving to Pittsburgh in the mid 90's. I'm sure it is a bit of a rebellious attitude in me to not want to fast. This year I really wanted to do something though. I felt as though I should on more than one level - you could probably call it personal and more importantly spiritual conviction. However, after searching and thinking for a few days I could not think of one thing that I could fast from all of Lent that would actually help my mind be centered where it should. After all, isn't that the point of fasting? But I did come up with something think of something I could ADD. That's right, I'm switching it up.
I have decided that for this time of Lent I am going to exercise every day, except one weekend day (Sat or Sun) in some form or fashion. Meaning, some days I will do an exercise video in my house (have you seen Pittsburgh's weather in March?), some days I will walk/run and I might even take John up on his offer to ride his bike trainer. I believe this is good for my physical body that God has called me to care for. I have not been doing so like I should and I know it. My hope is that these times of exercise and care for my physical body will also grant space to pray and dwell with God.
I also knew that if I went public with my decision for Lent I might be asked about it which makes me more likely to follow through. So. Here I go! (Day 3 and 3 days of exercise. So far, so good.)
What are you doing for Lent?